Friday, July 29, 2011

Lunch.. mmmm

Alzbeta Volk, you totally inspired my lunch today by your comment to my tomato post! I was in one of those- WHAT IN THE WORLD will I make for lunch moods, because we have NO food in the house! But then, I remembered you comment about sauteed tomatoes, onions and garlic over pasta or rice. I thought, boo- I can't eat pasta or rice- However, then I remembered, I have leftover spaghetti squash (which I was at a loss for what to do with it!) So, lo and behold, our lunch: I sauteed some tomatoes, onions, and green peppers with garlic in olive oil, threw in some fresh basil that I got free from the farmer's market and then tossed it with the spaghetti squash and topped it off with a little parmesan cheese. YUM! Something new and yet so deliciously summery! Thanks for the idea, buddy!

1 comment:

Alzbeta said...

That looks absolutely delicious. It is seriously one of my favorite meals. When I have the veggies from my family's gardens, I'll eat it every day for a week if I can get away with it :). I have never tried to make spaghetti squash... it makes me nervous for some reason. Now I feel like I need to make an attempt!