I'm sure you've heard the "don't leave your baby on a bed, changing table, or other high surface"... But from my experience today, I thought I'd share a few more with you. 1. Always securely buckle your child into the stroller (Check). 2. When child falls asleep in the stoller, carefully bring it inside and let him or her finish their nap in the stroller. (Kind of check). 3. Always apply the brakes on the stroller, even when you are just quickly running something up the stairs to place on the porch. (Thought it was checked). 4. Give your baby big hugs and kisses to console him after he is rudely awakened from his stroller crashing down the street. (Check). 5. Never leave your baby alone in the house when you go to retrieve the stroller/diaper bag from the street (especially if the keys are in there with him), even if for just a second, as he might figure out how to lock the screen door. (oops) 6. Learn the valuable skill of breaking into your own house with a credit card and always ignore your husband's advice to lock the deadbolt. (CHECK!)
wow! Nice!
i have so much to learn from you jule.
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