Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can't wait for Spring!

It has been cold and snowy here in St. Louis and we are missing the sun!! Raymond and I have been trying to find ways to entertain ourselves until spring. (He didn't like the idea of spring cleaning too much.) Also, Notice that we had a fun but short visit with Grandma Rose as she brought us Dad's old car that we are buying from them. They bought a new Prius. Lucky Ducks. Speaking of ducks- that was Raymonds first word. He now can say Duck and Dada.

This last picture- The other night we had some friends over and Raymond was fascinated by the beer bottles. Judging by the rosy cheeks, one might guess he drank some (but he didn't).

1 comment:

A said...

love that hat! it makes me want to get the boys together. come back!